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Building functional groups of marine benthic macroinvertebrates on the basis of general community assembly mechanisms ArchiMer
Alexandridis, Nikolaos; Bacher, Cedric; Desroy, Nicolas; Jean, Fred.
The accurate reproduction of the spatial and temporal dynamics of marine benthic biodiversity requires the development of mechanistic models, based on the processes that shape macroinvertebrate communities. The modelled entities should, accordingly, be able to adequately represent the many functional roles that are performed by benthic organisms. With this goal in mind, we applied the emergent group hypothesis (EGH), which assumes functional equivalence within and functional divergence between groups of species. The first step of the grouping involved the selection of 14 biological traits that describe the role of benthic macroinvertebrates in 7 important community assembly mechanisms. A matrix of trait values for the 240 species that occurred in the Rance...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Assembly mechanisms; Benthic communities; Biological traits; Emergent groups; Functional diversity; Functional redundancy.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Fish functional groups in a tropical wetland of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico Neotropical Ichthyology
Córdova-Tapia,Fernando; Zambrano,Luis.
ABSTRACT The characterization of species' functional traits is a major step in the understanding and description of communities in natural habitats. The classification of species into functional groups is a useful tool to identify redundancy and uniqueness. We studied the fish community of a pristine freshwater wetland in the Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve by analysing two multidimensional functions: food acquisition and locomotion. We investigated changes in the functional group structure between habitats (permanent and temporary pools) and seasons (dry and wet). Six functional groups with different ecological characteristics were detected, two of which had high functional redundancy and three of them were represented by single species with unique...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Community ecology; Environmental filtering; Functional groups; Functional redundancy; Freshwater wetland.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Trust ecology and the resilience of natural resource management institutions Ecology and Society
Stern, Marc J; Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation, Virginia Tech; Center for Leadership in Global Sustainability;; Baird, Timothy D.; Department of Geography, Virginia Tech; Center for Leadership in Global Sustainability;
The resilience of natural resource management (NRM) institutions are largely contingent on the capacities of the people and organizations within those institutions to learn, innovate, and adapt, both individually and collectively. These capacities may be powerfully constrained or catalyzed by the nature of the relationships between the various entities involved. Trust, in particular, has been identified repeatedly as a key component of institutional relationships that supports adaptive governance and successful NRM outcomes. We apply an ecological lens to a pre-existing framework to examine how different types of trust may interact to drive institutional resilience in NRM contexts. We present the broad contours of what we term “trust...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Synthesis Palavras-chave: Adaptive governance; Functional redundancy; Institutional resilience; Natural resource management; Trust.
Ano: 2015
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